I help you with your mindset & rewiring your beliefs on a subconscious level.

We also do the energetic healing around your business, your offer and the clients that you desire to attract.

We do deep inner work to regulate your nervous system to feel safe to receive more on an expansive new level.

We focus on 3 levels:

* Mindset

* Belief patterns

* Energetics

> To call in soul aligned clients

> To call in new levels of abundance in your life & business

> To align your energy with your offer's energy so that the alignment of your frequency is off the charts, and you confidently promote it with ease.

I want to privately coach with Yvette!

This is your exclusive invitation to master the exact techniques I've used to bust through limiting beliefs and manifest an elevated life!

You'll gain insider access to my most powerful coaching tools while working directly and privately with me.

These tools have enabled breakthroughs and transformations for my highest-level clients. They will prepare you to deliver exceptional results and stand out from the crowded industry that you are in.

During our time together, we'll embark on a journey of profound discovery and empowerment, focusing on:

  • Releasing Energetic Blocks: Together, we'll dissolve the barriers standing between you and your highest potential, clearing the path for limitless growth and success.
  • Deep Mindset Work: Dive into the depths of your subconscious mind, rewiring outdated beliefs and patterns to align with your desires and aspirations.
  • Laser-Focused Manifestation: Harness the power of intention and clarity as we zero in on your specific manifestations, ensuring rapid and tangible results.

With each session, you'll receive personalized guidance and support, empowering you to activate your goals with precision and manifest them with unwavering certainty.

But here's the kicker: I'm not content with just teaching you these transformative tools—I'm committed to demonstrating exactly how to master them, empowering you to achieve maximum results in record time!

I'm going to teach you game-changing techniques.

And I'm going to show you

how to use them in the most powerful way.

The BEST part -I am there to guide you every single week.

You don't have to do it on your own.

🌹 Every single call is like a sacred journey where we dive deep into the depths of your life and business, exploring what's flowing smoothly and what's hitting a snag.

🌹 Together, we'll tap into the wisdom of Spirit, shining a light on those hidden blind spots and uncovering the exact obstacles standing between you and your grandest dreams.

🌹 Prepare to bid farewell to anything that's been holding you back—we'll energetically clear away every last bit of resistance standing in the way of your desires.

🌹 But that's not all! We'll also fine-tune your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical state to align perfectly with the grand visions you're calling in right now.

🌹 And of course, we'll sprinkle in a little bit of strategy and action planning, ensuring that every step you take resonates perfectly with your newfound energy and momentum.

🦄 My entire system for breaking through your limiting beliefs and blocks so that you can manifest fearlessly

🦄 Learn the Power of Visualizing Your Goals into Existence with simple, yet unbelievably powerful meditation techniques

🦄 Complete guidance on Manifesting in: Business & Wealth, Health & Wellbeing, Emotional Wellbeing & Deep, Meaningful, Spiritual Connection

🦄 A complete and thorough guide to discovering what beliefs are limiting your success, HOW to release them and HOW to reprogram your mind with Powerful Beliefs (works for everyone!)

🦄Expand Your Intuitive Abilities so that you directly connect to the Universe for every single answer you need to every single decision - aka - manifest at lightning speed

🦄 Clear and transmute deep energetic blocks with every session

🦄 My step-by-step process to manifesting your life consciously and on purpose (unbelievable miracles will start unfolding once you KNOW what is missing)

🦄Learn how to do Shadow Work, discover the 4 Hidden Barriers that sabotage your success, and deeply understand WHY you are sabotaging in the first place.

🦄 Techniques to quickly identify blind spots, blocks and root causes, so you can create rapid shifts.



~ Protecting, Cleansing & Healing Your Energy & Belief Patterns

~ Clearing & Transmuting of specific energy blocks keeping you stuck

~ Intuitive Manifesting - Manifest using the Power of Your Intuition

~ The Art of Conscious Manifesting in Your Business & Yor Life!

➡️ Manifesting in Business & Wealth

➡️ Manifesting in Health & Wellbeing

➡️ Manifesting in Emotional Wellbeing

➡️ Manifesting in Spiritual Connection & Intuition

Plans for all levels

In US$ or SA Rand

US$ Flexable

Pay over 6 months

  • 4 coaching calls per month
  • Each session is 1 hour


Sign me up

US$ Biggest Saving

Once off Pay in Full

  • 4 coaching calls per month x 6 months
  • Each session is 1 hour
  • Save $500

$2500 In Full

SA Rand Flexable

Pay over 6 months

  • 4 coaching calls per month
  • Each session is 1 hour


SA Rand Biggest Saving

Once off Pay in Full

  • 4 coaching calls per month
  • Each session is 1 hour
  • Save R3300

R19 500 In Full