Are you ready to 'Manifest it'

into your reality?


Think it. Manifest it.

The ultimate solution to help you go from doubting and sabotaging your big dreams, to creating and manifesting your biggest desires into your reality

with ease & joy... 🦄

Think it. Manifest, it is your answer to stepping into your greatness and fully stepping into your manifesting potential, for your life and your business.

It's time

And you know it

Time to break out of your old patterns

Time to release past traumas and hurts

Time for You

Your Healing

Your Abundance

Your Happiness

💗 It's Time for you to Empower Your Self, so that you can live a rich abundant life 💗

I'm Ready!

Raise your hand if you are a coach, lightworker, healer, trying to grow your business and have a mighty impact in the world, but:

🔥 You're feeling frustrated and confused when it comes to consciously manifesting your deepest desires.

🔥 And you are tired of feeling stuck and unable to move forward towards your goals, feeling as if you are in Groundhog Day, unable to make progress towards your desires.

🔥 And on top of all of this, you are forever in a loop of self-doubt, worry and feeling not good enough as you have no idea how to even manifest anything on purpose.

🔥 Everyday you feel a deep deep longing for something more.

🔥 You feel stuck and frustrated knowing that you are meant for something greater.

🔥 You don't ever feel good enough.

...then this is for you

What you are experiencing isn't because you aren't a magical unicorn like everyone else.

What is really happening is that your beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of in life, is sabotaging your manifesting success.

But it doesn't have to be this way!


You could literally Think it and then Manifest it!

You are Actively Manifesting Your Reality every day.

You confidently step into a version of yourself that oozes abundance with excitement and joy as you show up in your day.

Say goodbye to the constant struggle and hello to magic at your fingertips

Yes I need all of this!

What others are saying:

Get Ready to Manifest Your Face Off

“Manifestation is bringing into reality the outcomes you desire,” says  Dr. Tara Swart. “Manifestation happens when you combine strong intentions (feelings and beliefs) with sufficient action to make a desired outcome real.” Far from magical thinking, Swart argues the law of attraction is scientifically sound and totally accessible: “The law of attraction is strongly connected to us aligning all of our brain power. It describes the way that we can create the relationships, situations and material things that come into our lives as a direct consequence of the way we think and the subconscious beliefs that underlie that. We ‘manifest’ them by focusing on them, visualizing them becoming true, and directing our energy towards them through our actions.”

Translation? It’s about clarity of intention, and mindfully working towards your intentions, rather than simply waiting for the universe to perform a random act of kindness.

This process is significantly increased by going deep into a Alpha state which helps:



Natural anti-depressant

And stimulates your brain to Manifest your deepest desires effortlessly

Inside ~ Think It. Manifest It. ~ you will find:

🦄 How to set a crystal-clear Intention, so that you can keep your focus on the ultimate prize

🦄 Uncover your deep-rooted limiting beliefs stopping you from manifesting your desires

🦄 Learn the 321-method so that you can start manifesting deep in your subconscious mind first, instead of just surface level where it's hard and frustrating.

🦄 How to overcome the obstacles in your mind - like...I can't do it... so that you can reprogram your beliefs to empower your manifestations

🦄 Learn how to vividly see, and feel your manifestation in your mind and in your body and live it as if it's happening right now, before it even manifests in the 3D world (this is the most powerful way to manifest at lightning speed)

Did someone say bonusses?

🔥 I will share a powerful App to help you stay on track and focused all day long, while reprogramming your subconscious mind for success at the same time.

🔥 You'll get my very popular meditation to uncover your soul's signature & purpose, in this lifetime.

🔥 Get your hands on a powerful journaling technique to tap into direct guidance from the Universe, God, Your Higher Self, Your Spirit Team...

🔥 Get Access to Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs Masterclass,

to accelerate your manifesting power.


🔥Instant Access to Think it, Manifest it

🔥 Lifetime Access

🔥 Instant Bonus drop


By the end of this program you will have ~

✅ A clear outcome of what you desire to manifest in the next 30 days, leading you into the next year of your bigger goal.

✅ You will know exactly what to do to manifest any desire, no matter how small or how outrageously big and you will be divinely guided every step of the way.

✅ You will feel empowered in your ability to create any reality that you have ever dreamt of and how to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way of that reality.

✅ You will feel powerful magic pulse through you as you no longer rely on the outside environment to shape your reality, but you stand strong and tall in confidence of your own capability of shifting and creating a life that you are in-love with

If you are an entrepreneur who can relate to one

or more of these...:

deep down you know you are meant for more

you are constantly worried about people judging you on everything you do

you have BIG dreams of freedom & impact, but your results aren't matching up...

you have imposter syndrome and never think that you are good enough in your craft.

you're feeling frustrated, stuck and overwhelmed with no idea how to reach your next level

you feel all alone as if no one understand what you are going through... and you are tired of suffering in silence.

you're procrastinating because you have fear of failure, or even fear of success

you see others creating all the success, and all you keep asking yourself is: What am I doing wrong?

What's their secret?

.... then Think it. Manifest it... is for you!

I believe that becoming an entrepreneur will push you outside your comfort zone more than anything else that you do in life.

This is because of all the fears that come up. Fears that your brain has made your 'story' in order to keep you safe from the fears actually coming true.

You ARE good enough

You ARE lovable

You ARE worthy of being seen in your greatness

Why work with me?

If you’re like most healers, coaches, soul empaths, lightworkers, creatives, mystics, you struggle with feeling worthy of sharing your gifts in this world.

You are gifted and have a passion to share your sacred talent with soulful clients, but you struggle with karmic wounding and deep-rooted beliefs of unworthiness that keep you stuck in the struggle.

This is an invitation to skip the gazillions of hours searching for answers and end up spinning in confusion, when you can learn from someone who knows the path.

Why not open yourself up to some serious femme power, love, guidance and rapidly heal your soul while skipping the unnecessary overwhelm and struggle.

Why me? Because I’m different from other coaches.

I’m not only a coach, but a guide, a healer, highly intuitive, an empath, your biggest cheerleader & supporter and a

Manifesting Queen.

I am not a coach because I have never suffered with all the feelings of scarcity and desperate to belong.

I am a coach because I have experienced pain from deep-rooted wounds & toxic beliefs around my Innate Power and I know how to clear, release and shift these beliefs into my fuel as I ascend into a more powerful version of myself each time I heal.

I know how to hold space for your deep long-lasting transformation.

I deeply understand the power of the subconscious mind and how to use it to become a potent manifestor.

I am an expert at guiding you into your Powerful BadAss Energy.

I am a Women's Abundance Healer

I have survived:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • chronic fatigue 
  • fibromyalgia
  • endometriosis
  • melanoma
  • PTSD
  • the loss of a business
  • the loss of friends and family members
  • the loss of an unborn baby

  • I will help you release all the pain, all the wounds, all the shame, from this lifetime, past lifetimes and future realms.
  • I will help you fall in-love with yourself and your life as you stand strong in your worth.
  • I will help you see your beautiful golden light that is your sacred treasure chest of divine riches.
  • I will help you own your worth, your voice and your BadAssery.
  • You will come alive as you dance the beat of your own magic.
  • You will transcend into your Goddess Power and start manifesting from a place of divine magic.
  • You will forever Manifest Divine Abundance at the speed of light.

It’s time to be seen, shine, and roar.

The world is waiting for you.

My Juicy Qualifications

  • I am a certified Life Coach 
  • I am a Belief Clearing Practitioner  
  • I am certified in the Law of Attraction
  • I am Shadow Work Practitioner
  • Law of Attraction Certified
  • Spiritual Coaching Certification
  • Sacred Freedom Certification
  • I am a Reiki Practitioner 
  • Crystal Healer

My Juicy Appearances:

  • SABC 1 TV in South Africa
  • Elle Magazine
  • Female Entrepreneur SA Magazine
  • MIX FM Radio
  • As an International Speaker for United Consciousness Global Events

~ It’s time to rise from ashes to riches gorgeous soul ~

With Love, Magic & Divine Abundance

Yvette Farinha



Leading Soul Centered, Fired-Up Women into Divine Abundance.